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For questions on basic WordPress installation/usage, HTML, JavaScript or CSS editing - please try the ThemeForest forums, W3Schools, the Wordpress Codex or Google as plugin errors/issues get top priority.">
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			<li><a href="#installing">Installation</a></li>
			<li><a href="#general_settings">Panel - General Settings</a></li>
			<li><a href="#styling">Panel - Styling</a></li>
			<li><a href="#typography">Panel - Typography</a></li>
			<li><a href="#advanced">Panel - Advanced</a></li>
			<li><a href="#add_review">Adding Review Post</a></li>
			<li><a href="#shortcodes">ShortCodes</a></li>
			<li><a href="#template_integration">Template Integration</a></li>
			<li><a href="#widgets">Plugin's Widgets</a></li>

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	<section id="documenter_cover"><h1>Taqyeem WordPress plugin</h1><h2>By TieLabs</h2><hr>
	<p>Thank you for purchasing my plugin . Please read this document and explore the item comments and FAQ items for further information and help.

<p>For questions on basic WordPress installation/usage, HTML, JavaScript or CSS editing - please try the <a href="">ThemeForest forums</a>, <a href="">W3Schools</a>, the <a href="">Wordpress Codex</a> or <a href="">Google</a> as plugin errors/issues get top priority.</p></p>
<h4>Don't Forget If You Like It, Rate It !</h4>

<section id="installing">
<h3>Installing Taqyeem Plugin</h3><hr class="notop">
<h4>Uploading Taqyeem via FTP to Wordpress</h4>
<p>You can also install Taqyeem via FTP</p>
	<li>Decompress the .zip file you downloaded from CodeCanyon.</li>
	<li>Find the <strong>Taqyeem</strong> folder (this directory is created when you unzip the file).</li>
	<li>Upload the <strong>Taqyeem</strong> folder to your <strong>wp-content/plugins</strong> directory.</li>
	<li>Navigate to your Control Panel: Plugins</li>
	<li>Under <strong>Taqyeem</strong>, click <em>Activate</em></li>
<h4>Installing Taqyeem from the WordPress Dashboard</h4>
<p>You can install Taqyeem via the WordPress plugin uploader without unzipping the file.</p>
	<li>Log into your WordPress admin panel</li>
	<li>Navigate to <em>Plugins &gt; Add New</em></li>
	<li>Click <em>Upload</em></li>
	<li>Click <em>Choose File</em> and select the Taqyeem download zip.</li>
	<li>Click <em>Install Now</em>.</li>


<section id="general_settings">
	<h3>Plugin Options Page : General Settings </h3><hr class="notop">
		<li>Login to Wordpress Admin</li>
		<li>Click Taqyeem Settings</li>
		<li>Click General Settings Tab</li>
	<h4>"Enable in Single page only?" Option</h4>
	<p>Enable this option if your theme uses <strong> the_content() </strong> in homepage and archives pages and you want to show post review box in the single post page only !</p>
	<img src="assets/images/general1.png" alt="" />
	<h4>"Who Is Allowed To Rate ?" Option</h4>
	<p>Choose who can rate ? Guests , Registered Users or both also you can disable this faeture by choosing <strong>No One !</strong> </p>
	<img src="assets/images/general2.png" alt="" />	
	<h4>"Ratings Image" Option</h4>
	<p>Choose the image of the "image" rating style .. alos this image will uses in widgets and in the final review score .</p>
	<img src="assets/images/general3.png" alt="" />

<section id="styling">
	<h3>Plugin Options Page : Styling Settings </h3><hr class="notop">
		<li>Login to Wordpress Admin</li>
		<li>Click Taqyeem Settings</li>
		<li>Click Styling</li>
	<p>From Styling Tab you can chnage all colors and backgrounds of the Review box .</p>
	<img src="assets/images/styling2.png" alt="" />
	<img src="assets/images/styling1.png" alt="" />

<section id="typography">
	<h3>Plugin Options Page : Typography Settings </h3><hr class="notop">
		<li>Login to Wordpress Admin</li>
		<li>Click Taqyeem Settings</li>
		<li>Click Typography</li>
	<p>From Typography Tab you can chnage all fonts , size , weight and colors for the review box elements .</p>
	<img src="assets/images/typo1.png" alt="" />

<section id="advanced">
	<h3>Plugin Options Page : Advanced Settings </h3><hr class="notop">
		<li>Login to Wordpress Admin</li>
		<li>Click Taqyeem Settings</li>
		<li>Click Advanced Settings</li>
	<p>From Advanced Settings Tab you can Import and Export the plugin settings . Just copy the text appears in the <strong>Export</strong> area and to import the settings paste the exported text in the <strong>import</strong> area and click <strong>Save Settings</strong> Button</p>

<section id="add_review">
	<h3>Add a Review Post</h3><hr class="notop">
	<p>Check this video</p>
	<iframe src="" width="900" height="494" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

<section id="shortcodes">
	<h3>ShortCodes Integration</h3><hr class="notop">
	<p>If you play to insert the Review Box in post or page text, shortcodes are the way to go. You'll need to enter the code in the place you want in the post content area .</p>

<section id="template_integration">
	<h3>Template Integration</h3><hr class="notop">
	<p>To display the final score of the post review in your theme template .</p>
		<li>Open <code>wp-content/themes/&lt;YOUR THEME NAME&gt;/loop.php</code></li>
		<li>You may place it in index.php archive.php, single.php, post.php or page.php also.</li>
		<li>Find: <code>&lt;?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?&gt;</code></li>
		<li>Add Anywhere Below It (The Place You Want The Final score of the review To Show):
<pre>&lt;?php if(function_exists('taqyeem_get_score')) {
} ?&gt;</pre></li>
	<h4> To display the final score of the post review out side the loop</h4>
	<li>Use the follwing code .. replace <strong>$post_id</strong> with the ID of the post .
<pre>&lt;?php if(function_exists('taqyeem_get_score')) {
	taqyeem_get_score(  $post_id ); 
} ?&gt;</pre></li>


<section id="widgets">
	<h3>Plugin's Widgets</h3><hr class="notop">
	<h4>" Taqyeem - Review Box " Widget</h4>
	<p>To display the post review box in the sidebar you can use <strong>" Taqyeem - Review Box "</strong> widget</p>
	<img src="assets/images/widget1.png" alt="" />

	<h4>" Taqyeem - Reviews Posts " Widget</h4>
	<p>Use <strong>" Taqyeem - Reviews Posts "</strong> widget to display best reviews , most recent reviews or random reviews </p>
	<img src="assets/images/widget2.png" alt="" />

