Your IP :

Current Path : /proc/self/root/home/sudancam/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpforms-lite/assets/js/integrations/stripe/
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/sudancam/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpforms-lite/assets/js/integrations/stripe/wpforms-stripe-payment-element.js

/* global Stripe, wpforms, wpforms_stripe, WPForms, WPFormsUtils */

 * @param window.wpformsStripePaymentElementAppearance
 * @param
 * @param
 * @param wpforms_stripe.i18n.element_load_error
 * @param wpforms_stripe.i18n.empty_details
 * @param wpforms_stripe.publishable_key

// noinspection ES6ConvertVarToLetConst
 * WPForms Stripe Payment Element function.
 * @since 1.8.2

// eslint-disable-next-line no-var
var WPFormsStripePaymentElement = window.WPFormsStripePaymentElement || ( function( document, window, $ ) {
	 * Original Submit Handler.
	 * @since 1.8.2
	 * @type {Function}
	let originalSubmitHandler;

	// noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
	 * Public functions and properties.
	 * @since 1.8.2
	 * @type {Object}
	const app = {

		 * Stripe object.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @type {Object}
		 * @property {Function} confirmPayment Payment confirmation.
		stripe: null,

		 * Object to store form data.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @type {Object}
		forms: {},

		 * Start the engine.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		init() {
			app.stripe = Stripe( // eslint-disable-line new-cap
					betas: [ 'elements_enable_deferred_intent_beta_1' ],

			$( document ).on( 'wpformsReady', function() {

				$( '.wpforms-stripe form' )
					.each( app.setupStripeForm )
					.on( 'wpformsConvFormsFieldActivationAfter', app.convFormsFieldActivationAfter ); // Initialize in Conversational Form on field activation.
			} );

			$( document )
				.on( 'wpformsBeforePageChange', app.pageChange )
				.on( 'wpformsAmountTotalCalculated', app.updateElementsTotalAmount )
				.on( 'wpformsProcessConditionalsField', function( e, formID, fieldID, pass, action ) {
					app.processConditionalsField( formID, fieldID, pass, action );
				} );

		 * Initialize forms default object.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @deprecated 1.8.9
		initializeFormsDefaultObject() {
			// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
			console.warn( 'WARNING! Function "WPFormsStripePaymentElement.initializeFormsDefaultObject()" has been deprecated, please use the "WPFormsStripePaymentElement.initializeFormDefaultObject( formId )" function instead!' );

			$( '.wpforms-stripe form' ).each( function() {
				app.initializeFormDefaultObject( $( this ).data( 'formid' ) );
			} );

		 * Initialize form default object.
		 * @since 1.8.9
		 * @param {string} formId Form ID.
		initializeFormDefaultObject( formId ) {
			app.forms[ formId ] = {
				elements: null,
				paymentElement: null,
				elementsModified: false,
				linkElement: null,
				linkEmail: '',
				linkDestroyed: false,
				paymentType: '',
				lockedPageToSwitch: 0,
				paymentMethodId: '',
				total: '',

		 * Setup and configure a Stripe form.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		setupStripeForm() {
			const $form = $( this ),
				formId = $ 'formid' );

			// Bail early if form was already setup.
			if ( typeof app.forms[ formId ] !== 'undefined' ) {

			app.initializeFormDefaultObject( formId );

			const $stripeDiv = $form.find( '.wpforms-field-stripe-credit-card' );

			if ( ! $stripeDiv.find( '.wpforms-field-row' ).length ) {

			const validator = $ 'validator' );

			if ( ! validator ) {

			// Store the original submitHandler.
			originalSubmitHandler = validator.settings.submitHandler;

			// Replace the default submit handler.
			validator.settings.submitHandler = app.submitHandler;

			$form.on( 'wpformsAjaxSubmitActionRequired', app.confirmPaymentActionCallback );

			if ( $stripeDiv.hasClass( 'wpforms-conditional-field' ) ) {

			app.setupPaymentElement( $form );

		 * Handle confirm payment server response.
		 * @param {Object}  e                                      Event object.
		 * @param {Object}  json                                   Json returned from a server.
		 * @param {boolean}              Whether action is required.
		 * @param {string} Payment intent client secret.
		 * @param {boolean} json.success                           Success.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		async confirmPaymentActionCallback( e, json ) {
			if ( ! json.success || ! ) {

			const $form = $( this );

			const redirectUrl = new URL( window.location.href ),
				formId = $ 'formid' );

			await app.stripe.confirmPayment(
					clientSecret:, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
					confirmParams: {
						return_url: redirectUrl.toString(), // eslint-disable-line camelcase
						payment_method: app.forms[ formId ].paymentMethodId, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
					redirect: 'if_required',
			).then( function( result ) {
				app.handleConfirmPayment( $form, result );
			} );

		 * Callback for Stripe 'confirmPayment' method.
		 * @param {jQuery} $form                Form element.
		 * @param {Object} result               Data returned by 'handleCardPayment'.
		 * @param {Object} result.error         Error.
		 * @param {Object} result.paymentIntent Payment intent.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		handleConfirmPayment( $form, result ) {
			if ( result.error ) {
				app.displayStripeError( $form, result.error.message );


			const formId = $ 'formid' );

			if ( result.paymentIntent && result.paymentIntent.status === 'succeeded' ) {
				$form.find( '.wpforms-stripe-payment-method-id' ).remove();
				$form.find( '.wpforms-stripe-payment-intent-id' ).remove();
				$form.append( '<input type="hidden" class="wpforms-stripe-payment-intent-id" name="wpforms[payment_intent_id]" value="' + + '">' );
				$form.append( '<input type="hidden" class="wpforms-stripe-payment-link-email" name="wpforms[payment_link_email]" value="' + app.forms[ formId ].linkEmail + '">' );
				wpforms.formSubmitAjax( $form );


			app.formAjaxUnblock( $form );

		 * Setup, mount and configure Stripe Payment Element.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
		setupPaymentElement( $form ) {
			const formId = $ 'formid' );

			if ( $.isEmptyObject( app.forms ) ) {
				app.initializeFormDefaultObject( formId );

			if ( app.forms[ formId ].paymentElement ) {

			app.forms[ formId ].elements = app.stripe.elements(
					currency: wpforms.getCurrency().code.toLowerCase(),
					mode: 'payment',
					// eslint-disable-next-line
					// See min amount for different currencies
					amount: 7777777,
					loader: 'always',
					appearance: app.getElementAppearanceOptions( $form ),
				} );

			app.initializePaymentElement( $form );

			app.linkEmailMappedFieldTriggers( $form );

			// Update the total amount in case of fixed price.
			wpforms.amountTotalCalc( $form );

			// Update styles in Modern Markup mode.
			app.updatePaymentElementStylesModern( $form );

			WPFormsUtils.triggerEvent( $( document ), 'wpformsStripePaymentElementInitialized', [ $form, app.forms ] );

		 * Handle Process Conditionals for Stripe field.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @param {string}  formID  Form ID.
		 * @param {string}  fieldID Field ID.
		 * @param {boolean} pass    Pass logic.
		 * @param {string}  action  Action to execute.
		processConditionalsField( formID, fieldID, pass, action ) { // eslint-disable-line complexity
			const $form = $( '#wpforms-form-' + formID ),
				$stripeDiv = $form.find( '.wpforms-field-stripe-credit-card' ),
				isHidden = ( pass && action === 'hide' ) || ( ! pass && action !== 'hide' );

			if (
				! $stripeDiv.length ||
				$ 'field-id' ).toString() !== fieldID ||
				app.forms[ formID ].paymentElement ||
			) {

			app.setupPaymentElement( $form );

		 * Get Element appearance options.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
		 * @return {Object} Appearance options.
		getElementAppearanceOptions( $form ) { // eslint-disable-line complexity, max-lines-per-function
			const customAppearanceOptions = app.getCustomAppearanceOptions();

			if ( ! $.isEmptyObject( customAppearanceOptions ) ) {
				return customAppearanceOptions;

			const $hiddenInput = $form.find( '.wpforms-stripe-credit-card-hidden-input' ),
				$fieldRow = $form.find( '.wpforms-field-stripe-credit-card .wpforms-field-row' );

			const labelHide = ! $fieldRow.hasClass( 'wpforms-sublabel-hide' );

			const inputStyle = {
				borderColor: app.getCssPropertyValue( $hiddenInput, '--field-border' ) || app.getCssPropertyValue( $hiddenInput, 'border-color' ),
				borderRadius: app.getCssPropertyValue( $hiddenInput, 'border-radius' ),
				fontSize: app.getCssPropertyValue( $hiddenInput, 'font-size' ),
				colorPrimary: app.getCssPropertyValue( $hiddenInput, '--primary-color' ) || app.getCssPropertyValue( $hiddenInput, 'color' ),
				colorText: app.getCssPropertyValue( $hiddenInput, '--secondary-color' ) || app.getCssPropertyValue( $hiddenInput, 'color' ),
				colorTextPlaceholder: app.getCssPropertyValue( $hiddenInput, '--secondary-color-50' ) || WPFormsUtils.cssColorsUtils.getColorWithOpacity( app.getCssPropertyValue( $hiddenInput, 'color' ), '0.5' ),
				colorBackground: app.getCssPropertyValue( $hiddenInput, '--background-color' ) || app.getCssPropertyValue( $hiddenInput, 'background-color' ),
				fontFamily: app.getCssPropertyValue( $hiddenInput, 'font-family' ),
				focusColor: app.getCssPropertyValue( $hiddenInput, '--accent-color' ) || app.getCssPropertyValue( $hiddenInput, 'color' ),
				errorColor: '#990000',

			if ( window.WPForms && WPForms.FrontendModern ) {
				inputStyle.colorPrimary = WPForms.FrontendModern.getSolidColor( inputStyle.colorPrimary );

			return {
				theme: 'none',
				labels: $ 'sublabel-position' ),
				sublabelHide: labelHide,
				variables: {
					colorPrimary: inputStyle.colorPrimary,
					colorBackground: inputStyle.colorBackground,
					colorText: inputStyle.colorText,
					colorDanger: inputStyle.errorColor,
					fontFamily: inputStyle.fontFamily,
					spacingUnit: '4px',
					spacingGridRow: '8px',
					fontSizeSm: '13px',
					fontWeightNormal: '400',
					borderRadius: inputStyle.borderRadius,
					colorTextPlaceholder: inputStyle.colorTextPlaceholder,
					colorIcon: inputStyle.colorText,
					focusColor: inputStyle.focusColor,
					borderColorWithOpacity: WPFormsUtils.cssColorsUtils.getColorWithOpacity( inputStyle.colorPrimary, '0.1' ),
				rules: {
					'.Input--invalid': {
						color: inputStyle.colorText,
						borderColor: '#cc0000',
					'.Input': {
						border: 'none',
						borderRadius: inputStyle.borderRadius,
						boxShadow: '0 0 0 1px ' + inputStyle.borderColor,
						fontSize: inputStyle.fontSize,
						padding: '12px 14px',
						lineHeight: parseInt( inputStyle.fontSize, 10 ) + 5 + 'px', // match the font and line height to prevent overflow
						transition: 'none',
						color: inputStyle.colorText,
						backgroundColor: inputStyle.colorBackground,
					'.Input:focus, .Input:hover': {
						border: 'none',
						boxShadow: '0 0 0 2px ' + inputStyle.focusColor,
						outline: 'none',
					'.Label': {
						fontFamily: inputStyle.fontFamily,
						lineHeight: labelHide ? '1.3' : '0',
						opacity: Number( labelHide ),
						color: inputStyle.colorPrimary,
					'.CheckboxInput, .CodeInput, .PickerItem': {
						border: '1px solid ' + inputStyle.borderColor,
					'.Tab, .Block': {
						border: '1px solid ' + inputStyle.borderColor,
						borderRadius: inputStyle.borderRadius,
						color: inputStyle.colorText,
					'.TabLabel, .TabIcon': {
						color: inputStyle.colorText,
					'.Tab--selected': {
						borderColor: '#999999',
						color: inputStyle.colorText,
					'.Action': {
						marginLeft: '6px',
					'.Action, .MenuAction': {
						border: 'none',
						backgroundColor: 'transparent',
					'.Action:hover, .MenuAction:hover': {
						border: 'none',
						backgroundColor: 'transparent',
					'.Error, .RedirectText': {
						color: inputStyle.errorColor,
					'.TabIcon--selected': {
						fill: inputStyle.colorText,

		 * Get custom appearance options.
		 * @since 1.8.5
		 * @return {Object} Element appearance options.
		getCustomAppearanceOptions() {
			if ( typeof window.wpformsStripePaymentElementAppearance === 'object' ) {
				return window.wpformsStripePaymentElementAppearance;

			if ( ! $.isEmptyObject( ) ) {

			return {};

		 * Get CSS property value.
		 * In case of exception, return empty string.
		 * @since 1.8.4
		 * @param {jQuery} $element Element.
		 * @param {string} property Property.
		 * @return {string} Property value.
		getCssPropertyValue( $element, property ) {
			try {
				return $element.css( property );
			} catch ( e ) {
				return '';

		 * Initialize Payment Element.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
		 * @param {string} email Email address.
		initializePaymentElement( $form, email = '' ) {
			const $fieldRow = $form.find( '.wpforms-field-stripe-credit-card .wpforms-field-row' );

			const formId = $ 'formid' );

			if ( app.forms[ formId ].paymentElement ) {
				app.forms[ formId ].paymentElement.destroy();

			app.forms[ formId ].paymentElement = app.forms[ formId ].elements.create( 'payment', { defaultValues : { billingDetails: { email } } } );

			app.mountPaymentElement( $form );

			// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
			app.forms[ formId ].paymentElement.on( 'change', function( event ) {
				app.forms[ formId ].paymentType = event.value.type;

				// Destroy a link element as it's not required for Google and Apple Pay.
				if ( ! $ 'link-email' ) ) {
					if ( event.value.type === 'google_pay' || event.value.type === 'apple_pay' ) {
						app.forms[ formId ].linkElement.destroy();

						app.forms[ formId ].linkDestroyed = true;
					} else if ( app.forms[ formId ].linkDestroyed ) {
						app.initializeLinkAuthenticationElement( $form );

						app.forms[ formId ].linkDestroyed = false;

				$ 'type', event.value.type );

				if ( event.empty ) {
					$ 'completed', false );

					$fieldRow.find( 'label.wpforms-error' ).toggle( event.value.type === 'card' );


				app.forms[ formId ].elementsModified = true;

				if ( event.complete ) {
					$ 'completed', true );

					app.hideStripeFieldError( $form );


				$ 'completed', false );
			} );

			app.forms[ formId ].paymentElement.on( 'loaderror', function( event ) {
				app.displayStripeLoadError( $form, event.error.message );
			} );

		 * Mount Payment Element.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
		mountPaymentElement( $form ) {
			const formId = $ 'formid' ),
				paymentRowId = `#wpforms-field-stripe-payment-element-${ formId }`;

			app.forms[ formId ].paymentElement.mount( paymentRowId );

		 * Link Email mapped field triggers.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
		linkEmailMappedFieldTriggers( $form ) {
			const $fieldRow = $form.find( '.wpforms-field-stripe-credit-card .wpforms-field-row' );

			const linkEmailMappedField = app.getMappedLinkEmailField( $form );

			if ( ! linkEmailMappedField ) {
				$ 'linkCompleted', false );

				app.initializeLinkAuthenticationElement( $form );


			const formId = $ 'formid' );

			linkEmailMappedField.on( 'change', function() {
				app.forms[ formId ].linkEmail = $( this ).val();

				if ( $ 'completed' ) ) {

				// Reinitialize payment element if card data not completed yet.
				app.initializePaymentElement( $form, $( this ).val() );
			} );

		 * Get Link Email mapped field.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
		 * @return {jQuery} Linked email field.
		getMappedLinkEmailField( $form ) {
			const linkEmailMappedFieldId = $form.find( '.wpforms-field-stripe-credit-card .wpforms-field-row' ).data( 'link-email' );

			if ( ! linkEmailMappedFieldId ) {
				return null;

			const formId = $ 'formid' );

			return $( `#wpforms-${ formId }-field_${ linkEmailMappedFieldId }` );

		 * Initialize Link Authentication Element.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
		initializeLinkAuthenticationElement( $form ) {
			const $fieldRow = $form.find( '.wpforms-field-stripe-credit-card .wpforms-field-row' );

			const formId = $ 'formid' );

			app.forms[ formId ].linkElement = app.forms[ formId ].elements.create( 'linkAuthentication' );

			app.mountLinkElement( $form );

			app.forms[ formId ].linkElement.on( 'change', function( event ) {
				if ( event.empty ) {

				app.forms[ formId ].elementsModified = true;

				if ( ! event.complete ) {
					$ 'linkCompleted', false );


				if ( typeof !== 'undefined' ) {
					app.forms[ formId ].linkEmail =;

				$ 'linkCompleted', true );

				app.hideStripeFieldError( $form );
			} );

			app.forms[ formId ].linkElement.on( 'loaderror', function( event ) {
				app.displayStripeLoadError( $form, event.error.message );
			} );

		 * Mount Payment Element.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
		mountLinkElement( $form ) {
			const formId = $ 'formid' ),
				linkRowId = `#wpforms-field-stripe-link-element-${ formId }`;

			app.forms[ formId ].linkElement.mount( linkRowId );

		 * Update submitHandler for the forms containing Stripe.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @param {Object} form JS form element.
		// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
		submitHandler( form ) {
			const $form = $( form ),
				$stripeDiv = $form.find( '.wpforms-field-stripe-credit-card' ),
				$stripeRow = $stripeDiv.find( '.wpforms-field-row' );

			const valid = $form.validate().form(),
				formId = $ 'formid' ),
				ccRequired = $ 'required' ),
				mobilePayment = [ 'google_pay', 'apple_pay' ].indexOf( app.forms[ formId ].paymentType ) !== -1,
				cardFilled = ( ! $ 'link-email' ) && app.forms[ formId ].elementsModified ) || $ 'completed' ) || mobilePayment;
			let	processCard = false;

			if ( ! $stripeDiv.hasClass( 'wpforms-conditional-hide' ) ) {
				processCard = ccRequired || ( cardFilled && ! ccRequired );

			if ( valid && processCard ) {
				$form.find( '.wpforms-submit' ).prop( 'disabled', true );
				$form.find( '.wpforms-submit-spinner' ).show();

				app.createPaymentMethod( $form );


			if ( valid ) {
				originalSubmitHandler( $form );


			$form.find( '.wpforms-submit' ).prop( 'disabled', false );
			$form.validate().cancelSubmit = true;

		 * Update Elements total amount.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @param {Object} e     Event object.
		 * @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
		 * @param {string} total Form total amount.
		updateElementsTotalAmount( e, $form, total ) {
			if ( ! total ) {

			const formId = $ 'formid' );

			// Check if Stripe Elements exist on the form.
			// Can be in a multiple-step form or when the field is hidden by conditional logic.
			if ( ! app.forms[ formId ] || ! app.forms[ formId ].elements ) {

			const currency = wpforms.getCurrency();

			// Save total to variable to avoid calling `amountTotalCalc` again in SubmitHandler.
			app.forms[ formId ].total = total;

			app.forms[ formId ].elements.update( { amount: parseInt( wpforms.numberFormat( total, currency.decimals, '', '' ), 10 ) } );

		 * Confirm a setup payment.
		 * @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
		async createPaymentMethod( $form ) {
			const formId = $ 'formid' );

			if ( ! app.forms[ formId ].total ) {
				originalSubmitHandler( $form );


			await app.stripe.createPaymentMethod( {
				elements: app.forms[ formId ].elements,
			} ).then( function( result ) {
				if ( result.error ) {
					// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
					const basicErrors = [
						message = basicErrors.includes( result.error.code ) ? '' : result.error.message;

					app.displayStripeFieldError( $form, message );


				app.forms[ formId ].paymentMethodId =;

				$form.append( '<input type="hidden" class="wpforms-stripe-payment-method-id" name="wpforms[payment_method_id]" value="' + app.forms[ formId ].paymentMethodId + '">' );

				originalSubmitHandler( $form );
			} );

		 * Unblock the AJAX form.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
		formAjaxUnblock( $form ) {
			const $submit = $form.find( '.wpforms-submit' );

			const submitText = $ 'submit-text' );

			if ( submitText ) {
				$submit.text( submitText );

			$submit.prop( 'disabled', false );
			$submit.removeClass( 'wpforms-disabled' );
			$form.closest( '.wpforms-container' ).css( 'opacity', '' );
			$form.find( '.wpforms-submit-spinner' ).hide();

		 * Display a generic Stripe Errors.
		 * @param {jQuery} $form   Form element.
		 * @param {string} message Error message.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		displayStripeError( $form, message ) {
			wpforms.clearFormAjaxGeneralErrors( $form );

			wpforms.displayFormAjaxErrors( $form, message );

			app.formAjaxUnblock( $form );

		 * Display a field error using jQuery Validate library.
		 * @param {jQuery} $form   Form element.
		 * @param {string} message Error message.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		displayStripeFieldError( $form, message ) {
			const fieldName = $form.find( '.wpforms-stripe-credit-card-hidden-input' ).attr( 'name' ),
				$stripeDiv = $form.find( '.wpforms-field-stripe-credit-card' ),
				errors = {};

			if ( message ) {
				errors[ fieldName ] = message;

			wpforms.displayFormAjaxFieldErrors( $form, errors );

			// Switch page for the multipage form.
			if ( ! $ ':visible' ) && $form.find( '.wpforms-page-indicator-steps' ).length > 0 ) {
				// Empty $json object needed to change the page to the first one.
				wpforms.setCurrentPage( $form, {} );

			wpforms.scrollToError( $stripeDiv );

			app.formAjaxUnblock( $form );

		 * Hide a field error.
		 * @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
		 * @since
		hideStripeFieldError( $form ) {
			$form.find( '.wpforms-field-stripe-credit-card .wpforms-error' ).hide();

		 * Display a Stripe Elements load error.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @param {jQuery} $form   Form element.
		 * @param {string} message Error message.
		displayStripeLoadError( $form, message ) {
			message = wpforms_stripe.i18n.element_load_error + '<br /> ' + message;

			app.displayStripeError( $form, message );

		 * Callback for `wpformsBeforePageChange`.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @param {Event}  event       Event.
		 * @param {number} currentPage Current page.
		 * @param {jQuery} $form       Current form.
		 * @param {string} action      The navigation action.
		pageChange( event, currentPage, $form, action ) { // eslint-disable-line complexity
			const $stripeDiv = $form.find( '.wpforms-field-stripe-credit-card .wpforms-field-row' );

			const formId = $ 'formid' );

			if ( ! $stripeDiv.length || [ 'card', 'link' ].indexOf( app.forms[ formId ].paymentType ) === -1 ) {

			if ( ! app.forms[ formId ].elementsModified && app.forms[ formId ].paymentType === 'card' ) {
				app.forms[ formId ].paymentElement.unmount();
				app.mountPaymentElement( $form );

				if ( ! $ 'link-email' ) ) {
					app.forms[ formId ].linkElement.unmount();
					app.mountLinkElement( $form );

			// Stop navigation through page break pages.
			if (
				! $ ':visible' ) ||
				( ! $ 'required' ) && ! app.forms[ formId ].elementsModified ) ||
				( app.forms[ formId ].lockedPageToSwitch && app.forms[ formId ].lockedPageToSwitch !== currentPage ) ||
				action === 'prev'
			) {

			const linkCompleted = typeof $ 'linkCompleted' ) !== 'undefined' ? $ 'linkCompleted' ) : true;

			if ( $ 'completed' ) && linkCompleted ) {
				app.hideStripeFieldError( $form );


			app.forms[ formId ].lockedPageToSwitch = currentPage;

			app.displayStripeFieldError( $form, wpforms_stripe.i18n.empty_details );

		 * Callback for `wpformsConvFormsFieldActivationAfter`.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @param {Event}  event Event.
		 * @param {Object} field CF field object.
		convFormsFieldActivationAfter( event, field ) {
			app.setupPaymentElement( field.$el.closest( 'form' ) );

		 * Get CSS variable value.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @deprecated 1.8.8
		 * @param {Object} style   Computed style object.
		 * @param {string} varName Style custom property name.
		 * @return {string} CSS variable value;
		// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
		getCssVar( style, varName ) {
			// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
			console.warn( 'WARNING! Function "WPFormsStripePaymentElement.getCssVar()" has been deprecated, please use the "WPForms.FrontendModern.getCssVar()" function instead!' );

			return WPForms?.FrontendModern?.getCssVar();

		 * Update Payment Element styles in Modern Markup mode.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @param {jQuery} $form Form object.
		// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
		updatePaymentElementStylesModern( $form ) {
			// Should work only in Modern Markup mode.
			if ( ! $.isEmptyObject( app.getCustomAppearanceOptions() ) || ! window.WPForms || ! WPForms.FrontendModern ) {

			if ( ! $form || $form.length === 0 ) {

			// Skip Lead Form.
			if ( $form.closest( '.wpforms-container' ).hasClass( 'wpforms-lead-forms-container' ) ) {

			const formId = $ 'formid' );

			if ( ! app.forms[ formId ] ) {

			const formElements = app.forms[ formId ].elements;
			const cssVars = WPForms.FrontendModern.getCssVars( $form );

			app.updateFormElementsAppearance( formElements, cssVars );

		 * Update Payment Elements appearance with given CSS variables data.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @param {Object}   formElements                Form payment elements.
		 * @param {Object}   formElements._commonOptions Form payment elements common options.
		 * @param {Function} formElements.update         Form payment elements common options.
		 * @param {Object}   cssVars                     CSS variables data.
		updateFormElementsAppearance( formElements, cssVars ) { // eslint-disable-line max-lines-per-function
			if ( ! formElements || ! formElements._commonOptions ) {

			// Get existing appearance options.
			const appearance = formElements._commonOptions.appearance;

			// Need to perform vertical padding calculation.
			cssVars[ 'field-size-padding-v' ] = ( ( parseInt( cssVars[ 'field-size-input-height' ], 10 ) - parseInt( cssVars[ 'field-size-font-size' ], 10 ) - 6 ) / 2 ) + 'px';

			// Update variables.
			appearance.variables.spacingGridRow = cssVars[ 'field-size-input-spacing' ];
			appearance.variables.spacingGridColumn = '20px';
			appearance.variables.spacingTab = '10px';
			appearance.variables.colorText = WPForms.FrontendModern.getSolidColor( cssVars[ 'field-text-color' ] );

			let maybeMenuBgColor = ! WPFormsUtils.cssColorsUtils.isTransparentColor( cssVars[ 'field-background-color' ] ) ? cssVars[ 'field-background-color' ] : cssVars[ 'field-menu-color' ];

			maybeMenuBgColor = WPForms.FrontendModern.getSolidColor( maybeMenuBgColor );

			// Update rules.
			appearance.rules = {
				'.Input': {
					border: cssVars[ 'field-border-size' ] + ' ' + cssVars[ 'field-border-style' ] + ' ' + cssVars[ 'field-border-color' ],
					borderRadius: cssVars[ 'field-border-radius' ],
					padding: `${ cssVars[ 'field-size-padding-v' ] } ${ cssVars[ 'field-size-padding-h' ] }`,
					fontSize: cssVars[ 'field-size-font-size' ],
					lineHeight: cssVars[ 'field-size-font-size' ],
					backgroundColor: cssVars[ 'field-background-color' ],
					boxShadow: 'none',
					outline: 'none',
				'.Input:focus': {
					backgroundColor: maybeMenuBgColor,
					borderColor: cssVars[ 'button-background-color' ],
					borderStyle: 'solid',
					boxShadow: '0 0 0 1px ' + cssVars[ 'button-background-color' ],
					outline: 'none',
				'.Input--invalid': {
					borderColor: cssVars[ 'label-error-color' ],
					boxShadow: 'none',
					color: appearance.variables.colorText,
					outline: 'none',
				'.Input--invalid:focus': {
					borderColor: cssVars[ 'label-error-color' ],
					boxShadow: '0 0 0 1px ' + cssVars[ 'label-error-color' ],
					outline: 'none',
				'.Input::placeholder': {
					color: WPForms.FrontendModern.getColorWithOpacity( cssVars[ 'field-text-color' ], '0.5' ),
					fontSize: cssVars[ 'field-size-font-size' ],
				'.CheckboxInput': {
					border: '1px solid ' + cssVars[ 'field-border-color' ],
					backgroundColor: cssVars[ 'field-background-color' ],
				'.CheckboxInput--checked': {
					borderColor: cssVars[ 'button-background-color' ],
					backgroundColor: cssVars[ 'button-background-color' ],
				'.CodeInput': {
					border: '1px solid ' + cssVars[ 'field-text-color' ],
					backgroundColor: maybeMenuBgColor,
				'.CodeInput:focus': {
					borderWidth: '2px',
					boxShadow: '0 0 0 1px ' + cssVars[ 'button-background-color' ],
					outline: 'none',
				'.CodeInput:disabled': {
					borderColor: WPForms.FrontendModern.getColorWithOpacity( cssVars[ 'field-border-color' ], '0.5' ),
					color: WPForms.FrontendModern.getColorWithOpacity( cssVars[ 'field-text-color' ], '0.5' ),
				'.Label': {
					fontSize: cssVars[ 'label-size-sublabel-font-size' ],
					margin: `0 0 ${ cssVars[ 'field-size-sublabel-spacing' ] } 0`,
					color: cssVars[ 'label-sublabel-color' ],
					opacity: Number( Boolean( appearance?.sublabelHide ) ),
					lineHeight: appearance?.sublabelHide ? 'inherit' : '0',
				'.Error': {
					fontSize: cssVars[ 'label-size-sublabel-font-size' ],
					margin: `${ cssVars[ 'field-size-sublabel-spacing' ] } 0 0 0`,
					color: cssVars[ 'label-error-color' ],
				'.Tab': {
					border: '1px solid ' + WPForms.FrontendModern.getColorWithOpacity( cssVars[ 'field-border-color' ], '0.5' ),
					borderRadius: cssVars[ 'field-border-radius' ],
					backgroundColor: 'transparent',
					boxShadow: 'none',
					marginTop: '0',
				'.Tab:focus': {
					border: '1px solid ' + WPForms.FrontendModern.getColorWithOpacity( cssVars[ 'button-background-color' ], '0.5' ),
					boxShadow: `0 0 0 3px ${ WPForms.FrontendModern.getColorWithOpacity( cssVars[ 'button-background-color' ], '0.25' ) }`,
					outline: 'none',
				'.Tab:hover': {
					border: `1px solid ${ cssVars[ 'field-border-color' ] }`,
				'.Tab--selected': {
					borderColor: cssVars[ 'button-background-color' ],
					boxShadow: `0 0 0 1px ${ cssVars[ 'button-background-color' ] }`,
					backgroundColor: cssVars[ 'field-background-color' ],
				'.Tab--selected:hover': {
					borderColor: cssVars[ 'button-background-color' ],
				'.Tab--selected:focus': {
					borderColor: cssVars[ 'button-background-color' ],
					boxShadow: `0 0 0 1px ${ cssVars[ 'button-background-color' ] }`,
				'.TabLabel': {
					color: cssVars[ 'field-text-color' ],
				'.TabIcon': {
					fill: WPForms.FrontendModern.getColorWithOpacity( cssVars[ 'field-text-color' ], '0.75' ),
				'.TabIcon--selected': {
					fill: cssVars[ 'field-text-color' ],
				'.TabIcon:hover': {
					color: cssVars[ 'field-text-color' ],
					fill: cssVars[ 'field-text-color' ],
				'.TabLabel--selected': {
					color: cssVars[ 'button-background-color' ],
				'.Block': {
					border: '1px solid ' + WPForms.FrontendModern.getColorWithOpacity( cssVars[ 'field-border-color' ], '0.5' ),
					backgroundColor: maybeMenuBgColor,
					borderRadius: cssVars[ 'field-border-radius' ],
					boxShadow: 'none',
				'.AccordionItem': {
					backgroundColor: maybeMenuBgColor,
					paddingLeft: 0,
					paddingRight: 0,
					color: cssVars[ 'field-text-color' ],
				'.PickerItem,': {
					backgroundColor: maybeMenuBgColor,

			formElements.update( { appearance } );

	// Provide access to public functions/properties.
	return app;
}( document, window, jQuery ) );

// Initialize.