Your IP :

Current Path : /proc/self/root/home/sudancam/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpforms-lite/assets/js/integrations/gutenberg/
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/sudancam/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpforms-lite/assets/js/integrations/gutenberg/formselector-legacy.js

/* global wpforms_gutenberg_form_selector, JSX */
/* jshint es3: false, esversion: 6 */

 * @param strings.update_wp_notice_head
 * @param strings.update_wp_notice_text
 * @param strings.update_wp_notice_link
 * @param strings.wpforms_empty_help
 * @param strings.wpforms_empty_info

const { serverSideRender: ServerSideRender = wp.components.ServerSideRender } = wp;
const { createElement, Fragment } = wp.element;
const { registerBlockType } = wp.blocks;
const { InspectorControls } = wp.blockEditor || wp.editor;
const { SelectControl, ToggleControl, PanelBody, Placeholder } = wp.components;
const { __ } = wp.i18n;

const wpformsIcon = createElement( 'svg', { width: 20, height: 20, viewBox: '0 0 612 612', className: 'dashicon' },
	createElement( 'path', {
		fill: 'currentColor',
		d: 'M544,0H68C30.445,0,0,30.445,0,68v476c0,37.556,30.445,68,68,68h476c37.556,0,68-30.444,68-68V68 C612,30.445,581.556,0,544,0z M464.44,68L387.6,120.02L323.34,68H464.44z M288.66,68l-64.26,52.02L147.56,68H288.66z M544,544H68 V68h22.1l136,92.14l79.9-64.6l79.56,64.6l136-92.14H544V544z M114.24,263.16h95.88v-48.28h-95.88V263.16z M114.24,360.4h95.88 v-48.62h-95.88V360.4z M242.76,360.4h255v-48.62h-255V360.4L242.76,360.4z M242.76,263.16h255v-48.28h-255V263.16L242.76,263.16z M368.22,457.3h129.54V408H368.22V457.3z',
	} )

 * Popup container.
 * @since 1.8.3
 * @type {Object}
let $popup = {};

 * Close button (inside the form builder) click event.
 * @since 1.8.3
 * @param {string} clientID Block Client ID.
const builderCloseButtonEvent = function( clientID ) {
		.off( 'wpformsBuilderInPopupClose' )
		.on( 'wpformsBuilderInPopupClose', function( e, action, formId, formTitle ) {
			if ( action !== 'saved' || ! formId ) {

			// Insert a new block when a new form is created from the popup to update the form list and attributes.
			const newBlock = wp.blocks.createBlock( 'wpforms/form-selector', {
				formId: formId.toString(), // Expects string value, make sure we insert string.
			} );

			// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
			wpforms_gutenberg_form_selector.forms = [ { ID: formId, post_title: formTitle } ];

			// Insert a new block. 'core/block-editor' ).removeBlock( clientID ); 'core/block-editor' ).insertBlocks( newBlock );
		} );

 * Init Modern style Dropdown fields (<select>) with choiceJS.
 * @since 1.9.0
 * @param {Object} e Block Details.
const loadChoiceJS = function( e ) {
	if ( typeof window.Choices !== 'function' ) {

	const $form = jQuery( e.detail.block.querySelector( `#wpforms-${ e.detail.formId }` ) );
	const config = window.wpforms_choicesjs_config || {};

	$form.find( '.choicesjs-select' ).each( function( index, element ) {
		if ( ! ( element instanceof HTMLSelectElement ) ) {

		const $el = jQuery( element );

		if ( $ 'choicesjs' ) ) {

		const $field = $el.closest( '.wpforms-field' );

		config.callbackOnInit = function() {
			const self = this,
				$element = jQuery( self.passedElement.element ),
				$input = jQuery( self.input.element ),
				sizeClass = $ 'size-class' );

			// Add CSS-class for size.
			if ( sizeClass ) {
				jQuery( self.containerOuter.element ).addClass( sizeClass );

			 * If a multiple select has selected choices - hide a placeholder text.
			 * In case if select is empty - we return placeholder text.
			if ( $element.prop( 'multiple' ) ) {
				// On init event.
				$ 'placeholder', $input.attr( 'placeholder' ) );

				if ( self.getValue( true ).length ) {
					$input.removeAttr( 'placeholder' );

			$field.find( '.is-disabled' ).removeClass( 'is-disabled' );

		$ 'choicesjs', new window.Choices( element, config ) );

		// Placeholder fix on iframes.
		if ( $el.val() ) {
			$el.parent().find( '.choices__input' ).attr( 'style', 'display: none !important' );
	} );

// on document ready
jQuery( function() {
	jQuery( window ).on( 'wpformsFormSelectorFormLoaded', loadChoiceJS );
} );
 * Open builder popup.
 * @since 1.6.2
 * @param {string} clientID Block Client ID.
const openBuilderPopup = function( clientID ) {
	if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( $popup ) ) {
		const tmpl = jQuery( '#wpforms-gutenberg-popup' );
		const parent = jQuery( '#wpwrap' );

		parent.after( tmpl );

		$popup = parent.siblings( '#wpforms-gutenberg-popup' );

	const url = wpforms_gutenberg_form_selector.get_started_url,
		$iframe = $popup.find( 'iframe' );

	builderCloseButtonEvent( clientID );
	$iframe.attr( 'src', url );

const hasForms = function() {
	return wpforms_gutenberg_form_selector.forms.length > 0;

registerBlockType( 'wpforms/form-selector', {
	title: wpforms_gutenberg_form_selector.strings.title,
	description: wpforms_gutenberg_form_selector.strings.description,
	icon: wpformsIcon,
	keywords: wpforms_gutenberg_form_selector.strings.form_keywords,
	category: 'widgets',
	attributes: {
		formId: {
			type: 'string',
		displayTitle: {
			type: 'boolean',
		displayDesc: {
			type: 'boolean',
		preview: {
			type: 'boolean',
		pageTitle: {
			type: 'string',
	example: {
		attributes: {
			preview: true,
	supports: {
		customClassName: hasForms(),
	edit( props ) { // eslint-disable-line max-lines-per-function
		const { attributes: { formId = '', displayTitle = false, displayDesc = false, preview = false }, setAttributes } = props;
		const formOptions = ( value ) => (
			{ value: value.ID, label: value.post_title }
		) );

		const strings = wpforms_gutenberg_form_selector.strings;
		let jsx;

		formOptions.unshift( { value: '', label: wpforms_gutenberg_form_selector.strings.form_select } );

		function selectForm( value ) { // eslint-disable-line jsdoc/require-jsdoc
			setAttributes( { formId: value } );

		function toggleDisplayTitle( value ) { // eslint-disable-line jsdoc/require-jsdoc
			setAttributes( { displayTitle: value } );

		function toggleDisplayDesc( value ) { // eslint-disable-line jsdoc/require-jsdoc
			setAttributes( { displayDesc: value } );

		 * Get block empty JSX code.
		 * @since 1.8.3
		 * @param {Object} blockProps Block properties.
		 * @return {JSX.Element} Block empty JSX code.
		function getEmptyFormsPreview( blockProps ) {
			const clientId = blockProps.clientId;

			return (
					<div className="wpforms-no-form-preview">
						<img src={ wpforms_gutenberg_form_selector.block_empty_url } alt="" />
						<p dangerouslySetInnerHTML={ { __html: strings.wpforms_empty_info } }></p>
						<button type="button" className="get-started-button components-button is-button is-primary"
								() => {
									openBuilderPopup( clientId );
							{ __( 'Get Started', 'wpforms-lite' ) }
						<p className="empty-desc" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={ { __html: strings.wpforms_empty_help } }></p>

						{ /* Template for popup with builder iframe */ }
						<div id="wpforms-gutenberg-popup" className="wpforms-builder-popup">
							<iframe src="about:blank" width="100%" height="100%" id="wpforms-builder-iframe" title="wpforms-gutenberg-popup"></iframe>

		 * Print empty forms notice.
		 * @since 1.8.3
		 * @param {string} clientId Block client ID.
		 * @return {JSX.Element} Field styles JSX code.
		function printEmptyFormsNotice( clientId ) {
			return (
				<InspectorControls key="wpforms-gutenberg-form-selector-inspector-main-settings">
					<PanelBody className="wpforms-gutenberg-panel" title={ strings.form_settings }>
						<p className="wpforms-gutenberg-panel-notice wpforms-warning wpforms-empty-form-notice" style={ { display: 'block' } }>
							<strong>{ __( 'You haven’t created a form, yet!', 'wpforms-lite' ) }</strong>
							{ __( 'What are you waiting for?', 'wpforms-lite' ) }
						<button type="button" className="get-started-button components-button is-button is-secondary"
								() => {
									openBuilderPopup( clientId );
							{ __( 'Get Started', 'wpforms-lite' ) }

		 * Get styling panels preview.
		 * @since 1.8.8
		 * @return {JSX.Element} JSX code.
		function getStylingPanelsPreview() {
			return (
					<PanelBody className="wpforms-gutenberg-panel disabled_panel" title={ strings.themes }>
						<div className="wpforms-panel-preview wpforms-panel-preview-themes"></div>
					<PanelBody className="wpforms-gutenberg-panel disabled_panel" title={ strings.field_styles }>
						<div className="wpforms-panel-preview wpforms-panel-preview-field"></div>
					<PanelBody className="wpforms-gutenberg-panel disabled_panel" title={ strings.label_styles }>
						<div className="wpforms-panel-preview wpforms-panel-preview-label"></div>
					<PanelBody className="wpforms-gutenberg-panel disabled_panel" title={ strings.button_styles }>
						<div className="wpforms-panel-preview wpforms-panel-preview-button"></div>
					<PanelBody className="wpforms-gutenberg-panel disabled_panel" title={ strings.container_styles }>
						<div className="wpforms-panel-preview wpforms-panel-preview-container"></div>
					<PanelBody className="wpforms-gutenberg-panel disabled_panel" title={ strings.background_styles }>
						<div className="wpforms-panel-preview wpforms-panel-preview-background"></div>

		if ( ! hasForms() ) {
			jsx = [ printEmptyFormsNotice( props.clientId ) ];

			jsx.push( getEmptyFormsPreview( props ) );
			return jsx;

		jsx = [
			<InspectorControls key="wpforms-gutenberg-form-selector-inspector-controls">
				<PanelBody title={ wpforms_gutenberg_form_selector.strings.form_settings }>
						label={ wpforms_gutenberg_form_selector.strings.form_selected }
						value={ formId }
						options={ formOptions }
						onChange={ selectForm }
						label={ wpforms_gutenberg_form_selector.strings.show_title }
						checked={ displayTitle }
						onChange={ toggleDisplayTitle }
						label={ wpforms_gutenberg_form_selector.strings.show_description }
						checked={ displayDesc }
						onChange={ toggleDisplayDesc }
					<p className="wpforms-gutenberg-panel-notice wpforms-warning">
						<strong>{ strings.update_wp_notice_head }</strong>
						{ strings.update_wp_notice_text } <a href={ strings.update_wp_notice_link } rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">{ strings.learn_more }</a>
				{ getStylingPanelsPreview() }

		if ( formId ) {
			props.setAttributes( { pageTitle: document.querySelector( '.editor-post-title__input' )?.textContent ?? '' } );

					attributes={ props.attributes }
		} else if ( preview ) {
					<img src={ wpforms_gutenberg_form_selector.block_preview_url } style={ { width: '100%' } } alt="" />
		} else {
					<img src={ wpforms_gutenberg_form_selector.logo_url } alt="" />
						value={ formId }
						options={ formOptions }
						onChange={ selectForm }

		return jsx;
	save() {
		return null;
} );