Your IP :

Current Path : /proc/self/root/home/sudancam/.trash/updraftplus/methods/
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/sudancam/.trash/updraftplus/methods/addon-base-v2.php


if (!defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR')) die('No direct access allowed');

Methods to define when extending this class (can use $this->storage and $this->options where relevant):
do_bootstrap($possible_options_array) # Return a WP_Error object if something goes wrong
do_upload($file, $sourcefile) # Return true/false
do_delete($file) - return true/false
do_download($file, $fullpath, $start_offset) - return true/false
get_credentials_test_required_parameters() - return an array: keys = required _POST parameters; values = description of each
do_credentials_test($testfile, $posted_settings) - return true/false; or alternatively an array with keys 'result' (true/false) and 'data' (arbitrary debug data)
do_credentials_test_deletefile($testfile, $posted_settings)

// Uses job options: Yes
// Uses single-array storage: Yes

if (!class_exists('UpdraftPlus_BackupModule')) updraft_try_include_file('methods/backup-module.php', 'require_once');

 * Note that the naming of this class is historical. There is nothing inherent which restricts it to add-ons, or requires add-ons to use it. It is just an abstraction layer that results in needing to write less code for the storage module.
abstract class UpdraftPlus_RemoteStorage_Addons_Base_v2 extends UpdraftPlus_BackupModule {

	protected $method;

	protected $description;

	protected $options;

	private $chunked;

	public function __construct($method, $description, $chunked = true, $test_button = true) {

		$this->method = $method;
		$this->description = $description;
		$this->chunked = $chunked;
		$this->test_button = $test_button;

	 * download method: takes a file name (base name), and removes it from the cloud storage
	 * @param  String $file specific file for being removed from cloud storage
	 * @return Array
	public function download($file) {
		return $this->download_file(false, $file);
	public function backup($backup_array) {
		return $this->upload_files(null, $backup_array);
	public function delete($files, $method_obj = false, $sizeinfo = array()) {
		return $this->delete_files(false, $files, $method_obj, $sizeinfo);
	protected function required_configuration_keys() {

	public function upload_files($ret, $backup_array) {// phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.UnusedFunctionParameter.Found

		global $updraftplus;

		$this->options = $this->get_options();

		if (!$this->options_exist($this->options)) {
			$this->log('No settings were found');
			$this->log(sprintf(__('No %s settings were found', 'updraftplus'), $this->description), 'error');
			return false;

		$storage = $this->bootstrap();
		if (is_wp_error($storage)) return $updraftplus->log_wp_error($storage, false, true);


		$updraft_dir = trailingslashit($updraftplus->backups_dir_location());

		foreach ($backup_array as $file) {
			$this->log("upload ".((!empty($this->options['ownername'])) ? '(account owner: '.$this->options['ownername'].')' : '').": attempt: $file");
			try {
				if ($this->do_upload($file, $updraft_dir.$file)) {
				} else {
					$any_failures = true;
					$this->log('ERROR: Failed to upload file: '.$file);
					$this->log(__('Error', 'updraftplus').': '.$this->description.': '.sprintf(__('Failed to upload %s', 'updraftplus'), $file), 'error');
			} catch (Exception $e) {
				$any_failures = true;
				$this->log('ERROR ('.get_class($e).'): '.$file.': Failed to upload file: '.$e->getMessage().' (code: '.$e->getCode().', line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')');
				$this->log(__('Error', 'updraftplus').': '.$this->description.': '.sprintf(__('Failed to upload %s', 'updraftplus'), $file), 'error');

		return (!empty($any_failures)) ? null : true;


	* This function lists the files found in the configured storage location
	* @param  String $match a substring to require
	* @return Array - each file is represented by an array with entries 'name' and (optional) 'size'
	public function listfiles($match = 'backup_') {

		try {

			if (!method_exists($this, 'do_listfiles')) {
				return new WP_Error('no_listing', 'This remote storage method does not support file listing');

			$this->options = $this->get_options();
			if (!$this->options_exist($this->options)) return new WP_Error('no_settings', sprintf(__('No %s settings were found', 'updraftplus'), $this->description));

			$storage = $this->bootstrap();
			if (is_wp_error($storage)) return $storage;

			return $this->do_listfiles($match);
		} catch (Exception $e) {
			$this->log('ERROR: Failed to list files: '.$e->getMessage().' (code: '.$e->getCode().', line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')');
			return new WP_Error('list_failed', $this->description.': '.__('failed to list files', 'updraftplus'));


	 * This function handles bootstrapping and calling the remote methods delete function
	 * @param Boolean $ret       - A boolean value
	 * @param Array   $files     - An array of files to delete.
	 * @return - On success returns true, false or WordPress Error on failure
	public function delete_files($ret, $files) {

		global $updraftplus;

		if (is_string($files)) $files = array($files);

		if (empty($files)) return true;
		if (!method_exists($this, 'do_delete')) {
			$this->log("Delete failed: this storage method does not allow deletions");
			return false;

		$storage = $this->get_storage();

		if (empty($storage)) {

			$this->options = $this->get_options();
			if (!$this->options_exist($this->options)) {
				$this->log('No settings were found');
				$this->log(sprintf(__('No %s settings were found', 'updraftplus'), $this->description), 'error');
				return false;

			$storage = $this->bootstrap();
			if (is_wp_error($storage)) return $storage;


		$ret = true;

		if ($this->supports_feature('multi_delete')) {
			$updraftplus->log("Delete remote files: ".implode(', ', $files));
			try {
				$responses = $this->do_delete($files);
				$ret = $this->process_multi_delete_responses($files, $responses);
			} catch (Exception $e) {
				$updraftplus->log('ERROR:'.implode($files).': Failed to delete files: '.$e->getMessage().' (code: '.$e->getCode().', line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')');
				$ret = false;
			return $ret;

		foreach ($files as $file) {
			$this->log("Delete remote: $file");
			try {
				$ret = $this->do_delete($file);
				if (true === $ret) {
					$this->log("$file: Delete succeeded");
				} else {
					$this->log("Delete failed");
			} catch (Exception $e) {
				$this->log('ERROR: '.$file.': Failed to delete file: '.$e->getMessage().' (code: '.$e->getCode().', line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')');
				$ret = false;
		return $ret;

	public function download_file($ret, $files) {

		global $updraftplus;

		if (is_string($files)) $files = array($files);

		if (empty($files)) return true;
		if (!method_exists($this, 'do_download')) {
			$this->log("Download failed: this storage method does not allow downloading");
			$this->log(__('This storage method does not allow downloading', 'updraftplus'), 'error');
			return false;

		$this->options = $this->get_options();
		if (!$this->options_exist($this->options)) {
			$this->log('No settings were found');
			$this->log(sprintf(__('No %s settings were found', 'updraftplus'), $this->description), 'error');
			return false;

		try {
			$storage = $this->bootstrap();
			if (is_wp_error($storage)) return $updraftplus->log_wp_error($storage, false, true);
		} catch (Exception $e) {
			$ret = false;
			$this->log('ERROR: '.$files[0].': Failed to download file: '.$e->getMessage().' (code: '.$e->getCode().', line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')');
			$this->log(__('Error', 'updraftplus').': '.$this->description.': '.sprintf(__('Failed to download %s', 'updraftplus'), $files[0]), 'error');

		$ret = true;
		$updraft_dir = untrailingslashit($updraftplus->backups_dir_location());

		foreach ($files as $file) {
			try {
				$fullpath = $updraft_dir.'/'.$file;
				$start_offset = file_exists($fullpath) ? filesize($fullpath) : 0;

				if (false == $this->do_download($file, $fullpath, $start_offset)) {
					$ret = false;
					$this->log("error: failed to download: $file");
					$this->log("$file: ".sprintf(__("%s Error", 'updraftplus'), $this->description).": ".__('Failed to download', 'updraftplus'), 'error');

			} catch (Exception $e) {
				$ret = false;
				$this->log('ERROR: '.$file.': Failed to download file: '.$e->getMessage().' (code: '.$e->getCode().', line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')');
				$this->log(__('Error', 'updraftplus').': '.$this->description.': '.sprintf(__('Failed to download %s', 'updraftplus'), $file), 'error');

		return $ret;

	 * Get the configuration template
	 * @return String - the template, ready for substitutions to be carried out
	public function get_configuration_template() {
		$template_str = '';

		if (method_exists($this, 'do_get_configuration_template')) {
			$template_str .= $this->do_get_configuration_template();
		if (!$this->test_button || (method_exists($this, 'should_print_test_button') && !$this->should_print_test_button())) return $template_str;
		$template_str .= $this->get_test_button_html($this->description);
		return $template_str;

	 * Modifies handerbar template options
	 * @param array $opts
	 * @return Array - Modified handerbar template options
	public function transform_options_for_template($opts) {
		if (method_exists($this, 'do_transform_options_for_template')) {
			$opts = $this->do_transform_options_for_template($opts);
		return $opts;

	public function config_print_javascript_onready() {
	protected function do_config_javascript() {
	 * Analyse the passed-in options to indicate whether something is configured or not.
	 * @param Array $opts - options to examine
	 * @return Boolean
	public function options_exist($opts) {
		if (is_array($opts) && !empty($opts)) return true;
		return false;

	public function bootstrap($opts = false, $connect = true) {
		if (false === $opts) $opts = $this->options;
		$storage = $this->get_storage();
		// Be careful of checking empty($opts) here - some storage methods may have no options until the OAuth token has been obtained
		if ($connect && !$this->options_exist($opts)) return new WP_Error('no_settings', sprintf(__('No %s settings were found', 'updraftplus'), $this->description));
		if (!empty($storage) && !is_wp_error($storage)) return $storage;
		return $this->do_bootstrap($opts, $connect);

	 * Run a credentials test. Output can be echoed.
	 * @param Array $posted_settings - settings to use
	 * @return Mixed - any data to return (gets logged in the browser eventually)
	public function credentials_test($posted_settings) {
		$required_test_parameters = $this->get_credentials_test_required_parameters();

		foreach ($required_test_parameters as $param => $descrip) {
			if (empty($posted_settings[$param])) {
				printf(__("Failure: No %s was given.", 'updraftplus'), $descrip)."\n";

		$storage = $this->bootstrap($posted_settings);
		if (is_wp_error($storage)) {
			echo __("Failed", 'updraftplus').": ";
			foreach ($storage->get_error_messages() as $msg) {
				echo "$msg\n";

		$testfile = md5(time().rand()).'.txt';
		$test_results = $this->do_credentials_test($testfile, $posted_settings);
		$data = (is_array($test_results) && isset($test_results['data'])) ? $test_results['data'] : null;
		if ((is_array($test_results) && $test_results['result']) || (!is_array($test_results) && $test_results)) {
			_e('Success', 'updraftplus');
			$this->do_credentials_test_deletefile($testfile, $posted_settings);
		} else {
			_e("Failed: We were not able to place a file in that directory - please check your credentials.", 'updraftplus');

		return $data;