Your IP :

Current Path : /proc/self/root/home/sudancam/.trash/jannah/
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/sudancam/.trash/jannah/404.php

 * The template for displaying 404 pages (not found)

defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit; // Exit if accessed directly

get_header(); ?>

	<div <?php tie_content_column_attr(); ?>>

		<div class="container-404">

				 * tie_before_404_content hook.
				do_action( 'TieLabs/before_404_content' );

			<h2><?php esc_html_e( '404 :(', TIELABS_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?></h2>
			<h3><?php esc_html_e( 'Oops! That page can&rsquo;t be found.', TIELABS_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?></h3>
			<h4><?php esc_html_e( 'It seems we can&rsquo;t find what you&rsquo;re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.', TIELABS_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?></h4>

			<div id="content-404">
				<?php get_search_form(); ?>
			</div><!-- #content-404 /-->

				if( has_nav_menu( '404-menu' ) ){
							'menu_id'        => 'menu-404',
							'container_id'   => 'menu-404',
							'theme_location' => '404-menu',
							'depth'          => 1,

				 * tie_after_404_content hook.
				do_action( 'TieLabs/after_404_content' );

		</div><!-- .container-404 /-->

	</div><!-- .main-content /-->

<?php get_footer(); ?>