Your IP :

Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/

 * This file adds some LIVE to the Customizer live preview. To leverage
 * this, set your custom settings to 'postMessage' and then add your handling
 * here. Your javascript should grab settings from customizer controls, and
 * then make any necessary changes to the page using jQuery.
 * @package Astra
 * @since 3.0.0

( function( $ ) {

	var tablet_break_point    = AstraBuilderMenuData.tablet_break_point || 768,
		mobile_break_point    = AstraBuilderMenuData.mobile_break_point || 544,
		isNavMenuEnabled      = AstraBuilderMenuData.nav_menu_enabled || false;

	for ( var index = 1; index <= AstraBuilderMenuData.component_limit; index++ ) {

		var prefix = 'menu' + index;
		var selector = '.ast-builder-menu-' + index;
		var section = 'section-hb-menu-' + index;

		// Advanced Visibility CSS Generation.
		astra_builder_visibility_css( section, selector );

		 * Typography CSS.

			// Menu Typography.
				'astra-settings[header-' + prefix + '-font-family]',
				selector + ' .menu-item > .menu-link'
				'astra-settings[header-' + prefix + '-font-family]',
				'astra-settings[header-' + prefix + '-font-weight]',
				selector + ' .menu-item > .menu-link'
				'astra-settings[header-' + prefix + '-text-transform]',
				selector + ' .menu-item > .menu-link'
				'astra-settings[header-' + prefix + '-font-size]',
				selector + ' .menu-item > .menu-link'
				'astra-settings[header-' + prefix + '-line-height]',
				selector + ' .menu-item > .menu-link'
				'astra-settings[header-' + prefix + '-letter-spacing]',
				selector + ' .menu-item > .menu-link',

		 * Color CSS.

			 * Menu - Colors

			// Menu - Normal Color
				'astra-settings[header-' + prefix + '-color-responsive]',
				selector + ' .main-header-menu .menu-item > .menu-link'

			// Menu - Hover Color
				'astra-settings[header-' + prefix + '-h-color-responsive]',
				selector + ' .menu-item:hover > .menu-link, ' + selector + ' .inline-on-mobile .menu-item:hover > .ast-menu-toggle'

			// Menu Toggle -  Color
				'astra-settings[header-' + prefix + '-color-responsive]',
				selector + ' .menu-item > .ast-menu-toggle'

			// Menu Toggle - Hover Color
				'astra-settings[header-' + prefix + '-h-color-responsive]',
				selector + ' .menu-item:hover > .ast-menu-toggle'
			// Menu - Active Color
				'astra-settings[header-' + prefix + '-a-color-responsive]',
				selector + ' .menu-item.current-menu-item > .menu-link, ' + selector + ' .inline-on-mobile .menu-item.current-menu-item > .ast-menu-toggle, ' + selector + ' .current-menu-ancestor > .menu-link, ' + selector + '  .current-menu-ancestor > .ast-menu-toggle'

			// Menu - Normal Background
			astra_apply_responsive_background_css( 'astra-settings[header-' + prefix + '-bg-obj-responsive]', selector + ' .main-header-menu, ' + selector + ' .main-header-menu .sub-menu', 'desktop' );
			astra_apply_responsive_background_css( 'astra-settings[header-' + prefix + '-bg-obj-responsive]', selector + ' .main-header-menu, ' + selector + ' .main-header-menu .sub-menu', 'tablet' );
			astra_apply_responsive_background_css( 'astra-settings[header-' + prefix + '-bg-obj-responsive]', selector + ' .main-header-menu, ' + selector + ' .main-header-menu .sub-menu', 'mobile' );

			// Menu - Hover Background
				'astra-settings[header-' + prefix + '-h-bg-color-responsive]',
				selector + ' .menu-item:hover > .menu-link, ' + selector + ' .inline-on-mobile .menu-item:hover > .ast-menu-toggle'

			// Menu - Active Background
				'astra-settings[header-' + prefix + '-a-bg-color-responsive]',
				selector + ' .menu-item.current-menu-item > .menu-link, ' + selector + ' .inline-on-mobile .menu-item.current-menu-item > .ast-menu-toggle, ' + selector + ' .current-menu-ancestor > .menu-link, ' + selector + '  .current-menu-ancestor > .ast-menu-toggle'

		 * Border CSS.

			(function (index) {

				// Menu 1 > Sub Menu Border Size.
				wp.customize( 'astra-settings[header-menu'+ index +'-submenu-border]', function( setting ) {
					setting.bind( function( border ) {

						var dynamicStyle = '.ast-builder-menu-'+ index +' .sub-menu, .ast-builder-menu-'+ index +' .inline-on-mobile .sub-menu, .ast-builder-menu-'+ index +' .main-header-menu.submenu-with-border .astra-megamenu, .ast-builder-menu-'+ index +' .main-header-menu.submenu-with-border .astra-full-megamenu-wrapper {';
						dynamicStyle += 'border-top-width:'  + + 'px;';
						dynamicStyle += 'border-right-width:'  + border.right + 'px;';
						dynamicStyle += 'border-left-width:'   + border.left + 'px;';
						dynamicStyle += 'border-style: solid;';
						dynamicStyle += 'border-bottom-width:'   + border.bottom + 'px;';

						dynamicStyle += '}';
						astra_add_dynamic_css( 'header-menu'+ index +'-submenu-border', dynamicStyle );

					} );
				} );

				// Menu Spacing - Menu 1.
				wp.customize( 'astra-settings[header-menu'+ index +'-menu-spacing]', function( value ) {
					value.bind( function( padding ) {
						var dynamicStyle = '';
						dynamicStyle += '.ast-builder-menu-'+ index +' .main-header-menu .menu-item > .menu-link {';
						dynamicStyle += 'padding-left: ' + padding['desktop']['left'] + padding['desktop-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += 'padding-right: ' + padding['desktop']['right'] + padding['desktop-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += 'padding-top: ' + padding['desktop']['top'] + padding['desktop-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += 'padding-bottom: ' + padding['desktop']['bottom'] + padding['desktop-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += '} ';

						dynamicStyle +=  '@media (max-width: ' + tablet_break_point + 'px) {';
						dynamicStyle += '.ast-header-break-point .ast-builder-menu-'+ index +' .main-header-menu .menu-item > .menu-link {';
						dynamicStyle += 'padding-left: ' + padding['tablet']['left'] + padding['tablet-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += 'padding-right: ' + padding['tablet']['right'] + padding['tablet-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += 'padding-top: ' + padding['tablet']['top'] + padding['tablet-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += 'padding-bottom: ' + padding['tablet']['bottom'] + padding['tablet-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += '} ';
						// Toggle top.
						dynamicStyle += '.ast-hfb-header .ast-builder-menu-'+ index +' .main-navigation ul > .ast-menu-toggle {';
						dynamicStyle += 'top: ' + padding['tablet']['top'] + padding['tablet-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += 'right: calc( ' + padding['tablet']['right'] + padding['tablet-unit'] + ' - 0.907em );'
						dynamicStyle += '} ';

						dynamicStyle += '} ';

						dynamicStyle +=  '@media (max-width: ' + mobile_break_point + 'px) {';
						dynamicStyle += '.ast-header-break-point .ast-builder-menu-'+ index +' .main-header-menu .menu-item > .menu-link {';
						dynamicStyle += 'padding-left: ' + padding['mobile']['left'] + padding['mobile-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += 'padding-right: ' + padding['mobile']['right'] + padding['mobile-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += 'padding-top: ' + padding['mobile']['top'] + padding['mobile-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += 'padding-bottom: ' + padding['mobile']['bottom'] + padding['mobile-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += '} ';
						// Toggle top.
						dynamicStyle += '.ast-hfb-header .ast-builder-menu-'+ index +' .main-navigation ul > .ast-menu-toggle {';
						dynamicStyle += 'top: ' + padding['mobile']['top'] + padding['mobile-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += 'right: calc( ' + padding['mobile']['right'] + padding['mobile-unit'] + ' - 0.907em );'
						dynamicStyle += '} ';

						dynamicStyle += '} ';

						astra_add_dynamic_css( 'header-menu'+ index +'-menu-spacing-toggle-button', dynamicStyle );
					} );
				} );

				// Margin - Menu 1.
				wp.customize( 'astra-settings[section-hb-menu-'+ index +'-margin]', function( value ) {
					value.bind( function( margin ) {
						var selector = '.ast-builder-menu-'+ index +' .main-header-menu, .ast-header-break-point .ast-builder-menu-'+ index +' .main-header-menu';
						var dynamicStyle = '';
						dynamicStyle += selector + ' {';
						dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: ' + margin['desktop']['left'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: ' + margin['desktop']['right'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += 'margin-top: ' + margin['desktop']['top'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += 'margin-bottom: ' + margin['desktop']['bottom'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += '} ';

						dynamicStyle +=  '@media (max-width: ' + tablet_break_point + 'px) {';
						dynamicStyle += selector + ' {';
						dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: ' + margin['tablet']['left'] + margin['tablet-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: ' + margin['tablet']['right'] + margin['tablet-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += 'margin-top: ' + margin['tablet']['top'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += 'margin-bottom: ' + margin['tablet']['bottom'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += '} ';
						dynamicStyle += '} ';

						dynamicStyle +=  '@media (max-width: ' + mobile_break_point + 'px) {';
						dynamicStyle += selector + ' {';
						dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: ' + margin['mobile']['left'] + margin['mobile-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: ' + margin['mobile']['right'] + margin['mobile-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += 'margin-top: ' + margin['mobile']['top'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += 'margin-bottom: ' + margin['mobile']['bottom'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';';
						dynamicStyle += '} ';
						dynamicStyle += '} ';
						astra_add_dynamic_css( 'section-hb-menu-'+ index +'-margin', dynamicStyle );
					} );
				} );

				 * Header Menu 1 > Submenu border Color
				wp.customize('astra-settings[header-menu'+ index +'-submenu-item-b-color]', function (value) {
					value.bind(function (color) {
						var insideBorder = wp.customize('astra-settings[header-menu'+ index +'-submenu-item-border]').get(),
							borderSize = wp.customize('astra-settings[header-menu'+ index +'-submenu-item-b-size]').get();
						if ('' != color) {
							if ( true == insideBorder ) {

								var dynamicStyle = '';

								dynamicStyle += '.ast-desktop .ast-builder-menu-'+ index +' .main-header-menu .menu-item .sub-menu .menu-link';
								dynamicStyle += '{';
								dynamicStyle += 'border-bottom-width:' + ( ( borderSize ) ? borderSize + 'px;' : '0px;' );
								dynamicStyle += 'border-color:' + color + ';';
								dynamicStyle += 'border-style: solid;';
								dynamicStyle += '}';
								dynamicStyle += '.ast-desktop .ast-builder-menu-'+ index +' .main-header-menu .menu-item .sub-menu .menu-item:last-child .menu-link{ border-style: none; }';

								astra_add_dynamic_css('header-menu'+ index +'-submenu-item-b-color', dynamicStyle);
						} else {

				// Sub Menu - Divider Size.
				wp.customize( 'astra-settings[header-menu'+ index +'-submenu-item-b-size]', function( value ) {
					value.bind( function( borderSize ) {
						var selector = '.ast-desktop .ast-builder-menu-'+ index + ' .main-header-menu';
						var dynamicStyle = '';
						dynamicStyle += selector + ' .menu-item .sub-menu .menu-link {';
						dynamicStyle += 'border-bottom-width: ' + borderSize + 'px;';
						dynamicStyle += '} ';
						dynamicStyle += selector + ' .menu-item .sub-menu .menu-item:last-child .menu-link {';
						dynamicStyle += 'border-bottom-width: 0px';
						dynamicStyle += '} ';
						astra_add_dynamic_css( 'header-menu'+ index +'-submenu-item-b-size', dynamicStyle );
					} );
				} );

				 * Header Menu 1 > Submenu border Color
				wp.customize( 'astra-settings[header-menu'+ index +'-submenu-item-border]', function( value ) {
					value.bind( function( border ) {
						var color = wp.customize( 'astra-settings[header-menu'+ index +'-submenu-item-b-color]' ).get(),
							borderSize = wp.customize('astra-settings[header-menu'+ index +'-submenu-item-b-size]').get();

						var dynamicStyle = '.ast-desktop .ast-builder-menu-'+ index +' .main-header-menu.submenu-with-border .sub-menu .menu-link';

						if( true === border  ) {
							dynamicStyle += '{';
							dynamicStyle += 'border-bottom-width:' + ( ( borderSize ) ? borderSize + 'px;' : '0px;' );
							dynamicStyle += 'border-color:' + color + ';';
							dynamicStyle += 'border-style: solid;';
							dynamicStyle += '}';
						} else {
							dynamicStyle += '{';
							dynamicStyle += 'border-style: none;';
							dynamicStyle += '}';

						dynamicStyle += '.ast-desktop .ast-builder-menu-'+ index +' .menu-item .sub-menu .menu-item:last-child .menu-link{ border-style: none; }';
						astra_add_dynamic_css( 'header-menu'+ index +'-submenu-item-border', dynamicStyle );

					} );
				} );

				// Animation preview support.
				// Adding customizer-refresh because if megamenu is enabled on menu then caluculated left & width JS value of megamenu wrapper wiped out due to partial refresh.
				wp.customize( 'astra-settings[header-menu'+ index +'-menu-hover-animation]', function( setting ) {
					setting.bind( function( animation ) {

						var menuWrapper = jQuery( '#ast-desktop-header #ast-hf-menu-'+ index  );

						if ( isNavMenuEnabled ) {
							document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( "astMenuHoverStyleChanged",  { "detail": {} }) );

						menuWrapper.addClass( 'ast-menu-hover-style-' + animation );
					} );
				} );

				wp.customize( 'astra-settings[header-menu'+ index +'-submenu-container-animation]', function( setting ) {
					setting.bind( function( animation ) {

						var menuWrapper = jQuery( '#ast-desktop-header #ast-hf-menu-'+ index  );

						if ( '' != animation ) {
							menuWrapper.addClass( 'astra-menu-animation-' + animation );
					} );
				} );

				// Stack on Mobile CSS
				wp.customize( 'astra-settings[header-menu'+ index +'-menu-stack-on-mobile]', function( setting ) {
					setting.bind( function( stack ) {

						var menu_div = jQuery( '#ast-mobile-header #ast-hf-menu-'+ index + '.main-header-menu'  );

						if ( false === stack ) {
						} else {
					} );
				} );

	// Sub Menu - Border Radius Fields.
wp.customize( 'astra-settings[header-menu'+ index +'-submenu-border-radius-fields]', function( value ) {
    value.bind( function( border ) {

        let tabletBreakPoint    = astraBuilderPreview.tablet_break_point || 768,
            mobileBreakPoint    = astraBuilderPreview.mobile_break_point || 544;

        let globalSelector = '.ast-builder-menu-' + index + ' .sub-menu, .ast-builder-menu-' + index + ' ul.inline-on-mobile .sub-menu';

        let dynamicStyle = globalSelector + '{ border-top-left-radius :' + border['desktop']['top'] + border['desktop-unit']
            + '; border-bottom-right-radius :' + border['desktop']['bottom'] + border['desktop-unit'] + '; border-bottom-left-radius :'
            + border['desktop']['left'] + border['desktop-unit'] + '; border-top-right-radius :' + border['desktop']['right'] + border['desktop-unit'] + '; } ';

        dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + tabletBreakPoint + 'px) { ' + globalSelector + '{ border-top-left-radius :' + border['tablet']['top'] + border['tablet-unit']
        + '; border-bottom-right-radius :' + border['tablet']['bottom'] + border['tablet-unit'] + '; border-bottom-left-radius :'
        + border['tablet']['left'] + border['tablet-unit'] + '; border-top-right-radius :' + border['tablet']['right'] + border['tablet-unit'] + '; } } ';

        dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + mobileBreakPoint + 'px) { ' + globalSelector + '{ border-top-left-radius :' + border['mobile']['top'] + border['mobile-unit']
                + '; border-bottom-right-radius :' + border['mobile']['bottom'] + border['mobile-unit'] + '; border-bottom-left-radius :'
                + border['mobile']['left'] + border['mobile-unit'] + '; border-top-right-radius :' + border['mobile']['right'] + border['mobile-unit'] + '; } } ';

        astra_add_dynamic_css( 'header-menu'+ index +'-submenu-border-radius-fields', dynamicStyle );

    } );
} );

				// Sub Menu - Top Offset.
				wp.customize( 'astra-settings[header-menu'+ index +'-submenu-top-offset]', function( value ) {
					value.bind( function( offset ) {

						var dynamicStyle = '.ast-desktop .ast-builder-menu-' + index + ' .sub-menu, .ast-desktop .ast-builder-menu-' + index + ' ul.inline-on-mobile .sub-menu, .ast-desktop .ast-builder-menu-' + index + ' .astra-full-megamenu-wrapper {';
						dynamicStyle += 'margin-top: ' + offset + 'px';
						dynamicStyle += '}';

						dynamicStyle += '.ast-desktop .ast-builder-menu-' + index + ' .main-header-menu > .menu-item > .sub-menu:before, .ast-desktop .ast-builder-menu-' + index + ' .main-header-menu > .menu-item > .astra-full-megamenu-wrapper:before {';
						dynamicStyle += 'height: calc( ' + offset + 'px + 5px );';
						dynamicStyle += '}';

						astra_add_dynamic_css( 'header-menu'+ index +'-submenu-top-offset', dynamicStyle );

					} );
				} );

				// Sub Menu - Width.
				wp.customize( 'astra-settings[header-menu'+ index +'-submenu-width]', function( value ) {
					value.bind( function( width ) {

						var dynamicStyle = '.ast-builder-menu-' + index + ' .sub-menu, .ast-builder-menu-' + index + ' ul.inline-on-mobile .sub-menu {';
						dynamicStyle += 'width: ' + width + 'px';
						dynamicStyle += '}';

						astra_add_dynamic_css( 'header-menu'+ index +'-submenu-width', dynamicStyle );

					} );
				} );

				// Sub menu
				astra_font_extras_css( 'header-menu' + index + '-font-extras', '.ast-builder-menu-' + index + ' .menu-item > .menu-link' );


			// Sub Menu - Border Color.
				'astra-settings[header-' + prefix + '-submenu-b-color]',
				selector + ' .sub-menu, ' + selector + ' .inline-on-mobile .sub-menu '

	// Transparent header > Submenu link hover color.
	astra_color_responsive_css( 'astra-builder-transparent-submenu', 'astra-settings[transparent-submenu-h-color-responsive]', 'color', '.ast-theme-transparent-header .main-header-menu .menu-item .sub-menu .menu-item:hover > .menu-link' );

} )( jQuery );