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rYdZnXd�Zd�Z	d�Z
d�ZdS(s*Generic Internet address helper functions.i����Ni'cCsB|tkrtjj|�S|tkr8tjj|�St�dS(s*Convert the textual form of a network address into its binary form.

    @param family: the address family
    @type family: int
    @param text: the textual address
    @type text: string
    @raises NotImplementedError: the address family specified is not
    @rtype: string
    N(tAF_INETtdnstipv4t	inet_atontAF_INET6tipv6tNotImplementedError(tfamilyttext((s./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/inet.pyt	inet_pton%s
cCsB|tkrtjj|�S|tkr8tjj|�St�dS(s/Convert the binary form of a network address into its textual form.

    @param family: the address family
    @type family: int
    @param address: the binary address
    @type address: string
    @raises NotImplementedError: the address family specified is not
    @rtype: string
    N(RRRt	inet_ntoaRRR(Rtaddress((s./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/inet.pyt	inet_ntop8s
cCsRytjj|�}tSWn1ytjj|�}tSWqNt�qNXnXdS(s�Determine the address family of a textual-form network address.

    @param text: the textual address
    @type text: string
    @raises ValueError: the address family cannot be determined from the input.
    @rtype: int
ValueError(Rtjunk((s./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/inet.pytaf_for_addressJscCs~y6ttjj|�d�}|dko4|dkSWnAy*ttjj|�d�}|dkSWqzt�qzXnXdS(s�Is the textual-form network address a multicast address?

    @param text: the textual address
    @raises ValueError: the address family cannot be determined from the input.
    @rtype: bool
(Rtfirst((s./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/inet.pytis_multicast\s(t__doc__tsockettdns.ipv4Rtdns.ipv6RRtAttributeErrorR	RRR(((s./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/inet.pyt<module>s